Our school organisational culture is non-hierarchical, transparent and professional. A school which appreciates teachers as the most important asset of a school and provides them with all the freedom and support to reach their full potential. A school which instils a learning culture among parents and teachers and provides them with opportunities to learn from each other.
We achieve this by:
Having a Trust that brings in the necessary professional skills to provide strategic direction to running the school and to take care of the day-to-day management of the school. The operations of both the Trust and teaching staff are guided by a governing constitution outlining the roles and responsibilities of all.
Having a teacher support group, consisting of mentors for our teachers to help them to further develop themselves as teachers and to further improve and enrich our school curriculum.
Creating a community of parents, who are engaged in the school curriculum and organisation, maintenance, and further development of the school through workshops, work parties and fundraising activities.