Like everywhere in the world, so far this year has been an unprecedented one for Bushwillow School. Due to Covid-19 restrictions in place, our school has been closed from 18 March. This has challenged us to change our way of operating to ensure the safety of our school community. Luckily all learners and teachers remain healthy and safe! We have adopted a differentiated and flexible approach to distance teaching. With Bushwillow learners coming from different socio-economic backgrounds, their level of access to devices, internet and parental support is very varied. We currently support learners through:
- distributing printed support packages for Maths and English
- organising Xhosa lessons via WhatsApp
- conducting online zoom math tutor lessons
- offering one-on-one support by phone to children with no access to internet and limited parental support at home
- rolling out a distance space exploration project, where our senior learners each choose a planet to explore and recorded their missions
- recording WhatsApp story telling for all classes