Our Sponsors

Running and further developing a school is a community effort. The following organisations and individuals have been and are a great help in this and we are very grateful for their contributions.


Ron and Angela Engert

Who have generously donated the school land to us and have made it possible for our school to be where we are right now and to continue to further expand our school infrastructure.

Cliff Minott

In June 2017 Cliff Minott sponsored his skid steer loader to clear bush for the campsite and to level rubble donated for the campsite road and school carpark. Thanks Cliff Minnott for your support in starting our Bushwillow campsite!

Sylvia and Angela

Dutch volunteers helping with The Lion King production in 2019.

Senior class room sponsors

With the generous support of Jan and Maria van Breughel, Roger Brossy and Rona Elliot, David and Maya Fidler, Sarina and Angelo Fierro, Katie and Phil Holthouse, Robin Keith, Chris Keyser and Susan Sprung, Deborah Klein and Mort Marcus, the Klink Family, Barbara Rothas, the Smailes family, D’vora Taus-Kahn, Michael and Meryl Tuchin, and Steve Winshel, we were able to build and open our senior class room in August 2019. Many thanks for supporting the further growth of our school!


Iona Stichting

The Iona Stichting is an international foundation for project funding, inspired by anthroposophy and art. The Foundation financially supported the edu-change workshop that was hosted by Bushwillow from 1-3 July 2019.  https://www.iona.nl/en/home/

Milk & Go

Owner of Milk & GO, Laura Leijser, joined us a volunteer for a month in March 2018. Thanks Laura for your energy, time and laughter you dedicated to our school!

Little Fish Agency

Tessa MacTaggart and her team have taken care of Bushwillow’s web design on a pro-bono basis since the inception of our school. Thanks to them our school has the professional look that we aspire to have;  we are lucky to have such talented and committed people within our community!

Wot Compsot

In December 2016 Johan van Wyk sponsored his wood chipper at cost price to chip bush that had been cleared. He also sponsored compost and plants for establishing gardens. Thanks for your ongoing support Johan!

Municipality of Tilburg

Which provided us with the funding for the Ubuntu Skills Programme, contributing to community upliftment in our area

Cucu Foundation

The Cucu foundation is a Dutch NGO which sponsors small projects worldwide to improve lives of children. The foundation supports Bushwillows bursary fund on an ongoing basis and we are grateful for this financial commitment!

igen Wireless

Igen is a local wireless internet provider, who is providing internet to the school free of charge. Thank you igen for this generous support!

Ruwacon Pty Ltd

In November 2016 Ruwacon sponsored their TLB for bush stump removal in playground area and digging of septic tank and soakaway. Many thanks – through such generous in kind contributions we can develop our school on a low cost basis.

Amatola Water

In January 2017 Amatola Water sponsored a new water connection for the school. We appreciate the support we receive from local government institutions in developing our school infrastructure.

Tau Pele Construction Pty Ltd

In August 2017 Tau Pele Construction donated 90m3 of gravel (asphalt millings) for the campsite road and school carpark. Thanks Tau Pele for you support in starting our Bushwillow campsite!